Following fragment was taken from Chapter 9 “DSR® as a communication method” from the upcoming book “DSR®: Relationship Communication”. Some parts can be slightly different in the final published version due to still ongoing works on the book. Enjoy your reading – and write to the Author at any time you want!
DSR® Hypothesis
Model communication exists when two speakers can use different communication styles and do so depending on the situation’s current needs and the other person’s needs. Using such exemplary communication has a preventive effect on mind ecology (internal ecology) and relationships (external ecology), creating an optimal impact on the short and long term.
DSR® Objectives
In addition to the specific goals of the given communication styles, DSR® has its own goals.
The objectives of the DSR® methods are:
- Dynamic, fluent and natural communication.
- Communication with a high level of awareness of the social background.
We speak here about the practical development of social intelligence, as well as awareness of „cause-and-effect” phenomena in communication and relations, in which our recipient is in (vide: modelling function of communication, thanks to which, along with the progressing touch, the second person learns (models) from our communication skills and transfers them unconsciously to communicate with other people).
- Flexible adjustment of used communication styles depending on the needs of the relationship, situation, and chosen objectives.
These can be short-term needs (occurring in the current moment) or long-term needs (i.e. consequences postponed in time).
As you can see, the name of the method originated in its goals (as well as the main models; see: Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4).
DSR® Assumptions
- One cannot not communicate — one of Paul Watzlawick’s axioms.
- The meaning of communication is the answer you receive. You are responsible for your part of communication. For 50% of work and 50% of consequences (check “Model of commitment).
- The natural consequence of communication is the relationship. From a set of relationships, a group is created. The quality and effectivity of communication are closely associated with a group’s actions’ quality and effectiveness.
- A relation is a series of mutual feedback loops. Repetitive feedback interactions are conditioned on both sides. Put attention to forming positive feedback loops from the very beginning of your relationship.
- While communicating, the interlocutor (person with whom you are speaking) subconsciously models the other person (you). By increasing the quality of your communication, you increase the quality of your interlocutor’s communication.
- One style of communication tools also works with other style tools.
- The same set of communication skills, used by the therapist to repair emotional/mental damage, can be used in socialisation processes as a preventive measure. The concept of one communication.
- Full and exemplary communication is built from four different and complementary communication styles. It assumes a flexible and easy change between different communication styles depending on the needs of the situation.
- It is not possible to function without relationships. If the relationship is not there or is dysfunctional, a person starts building relationships with objects and phenomena. This can lead to addictions. It is possible to be only physically in a relationship. A person in such a relationship will consciously or unconsciously perceive it as damaged or feel like it is not there. This can lead to addictions.
- Relationships are not “states”. They are in constant motion and are subject to change. They have a beginning, continuation and an end. If both sides do not nurture the relationship, it will end.
Grab your copy of “DSR: Relationship Communication” now!