Very simple prompts to test this week. Yet, with a very powerful pattern. Persona Pattern, aka Roleplaying Project Management: Act...
Here are twenty generative patterns that you can use in different situations. As the weeks unfold, we will add more...
In late 2022 ChatGPT took the internet and the people of Earth by storm. Since then, we have had new...
I. Shifting your perspective on rejection: 1. Rejection is normal. 2. Rejection isn’t failure. 3. Rejection is an opportunity. 4...
Before I did the whole series of trainings, I learned what it means to work hard, how and what it...
2nd edition of Working Communication. Enriched and only available in English.
How can I change my life with the skills to change other people's "no" into "yes"? Where can I use...
I will explain to you now all Sleight of Mouth patterns. You can learn how to use persuasion in normal...
Long story short. A part of DSR Rejection Coaching program you can do at home – is Linguistic Sparring. It...
Sleight of Mouth is an NLP communication model. It is a system of linguistic patterns that aim to change someone's...
© 2021-2024 DSR Institute Int, DSR, Dynamic Social Relations, DSR Rejection Coaching - Maciej Czekaj
© 2021-2024 DSR Institute Int, DSR, Dynamic Social Relations, DSR Rejection Coaching - Maciej Czekaj